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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cat Bath & Chicken Roost

Here is my cat taking a bath!:) She just looked really pretty . . . Her name is "Bo" - named after the famous bull, Bodacious. (Also see - Bodacious). (I also had her sister a long while, whom I named Laney - after Lane Frost).
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Then, the other picture I am going to share here, are my chickens roosting. They just looked really nice that evening, going to bed;) Both photos were taken on 8/22. The black hen is an aracauna, the rooster (a mutt? dunno got him from a friend) & the other hen is a red sex-link.

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1 comment:

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I love chickens. I used to have them and I really miss them. Same with cats. I just have a bird now.